The word rudraksha is derived from two words - rudra and aksha.
A. Aksha means eye. Rudra and aksha means the one who is capable of looking at and doing everything (for example, the third eye). Aksha also means axis. Since the eye can rotate on one axis, it too is known as aksha.
B. Rudra means the one who weeps. A (?) means to receive and ksha means to give. Hence, aksha denotes the ability to receive or give. Rudraksha is the one that has the ability to wipe our tears and provide happiness.
Rudraksha is the object of veneration and also the source to reach the higher self. Rudraksha is often believed to symbolize the link between the earth and the heaven. These beads are the seeds of the Rudraksha fruit obtained from Rudraksha trees.
There are clefts called Mukhi on the surface of the beads. The number of Mukhi on the surface of a Rudraksha beads helps in determining its quality. According to the number of Mukhi the Rudraksha bead ranges from single face to a several faced bead. Asians have used Rudraksha beads traditionally. Asian Yogis and Monks found that merely wearing the Rudraksha beads gave them astonishingly tremendous amount of tranquility, concentration that helped them meditate for a long period of time with spectacular control over their mind.
EkaMukhi (One Faced)
(it is incarnation of Lord Shiva). This Rudraksha will not be available easily and it is considered to be the most rarest one. Those who possess this will get all riches, happiness and prosperity and get their desires are fulfilled easily. It will develop divine attitude and mental and all-round happiness. One will get this only by luck but cannot purchase. The natural features of Naga sarpa, Trishula, Shivlinga and omkaram are found on this Rudraksha its birth. Beware of manmade ekamukhi.
Rs.2100 Order NowDwiMukhi (Two Faced)
(It is ArdhaNareeshwara incarnation of shivparvathi). Wearer will have control on his desires and will develop divinely outlook- very useful in kundalini awakening - essential in varshikarna mental ailments of various types and rhinitis will be cured develops cordial relations with family members, friends, and relatives specially husband and wife relations.
Rs.1100 Order NowTri Mukhi (Three Faced)
(Incarnation of Agni or Fire God. And also gets Brahma, Vishnu, Maheshwara blessing). Helps in higher education, for the betterment of eyes sight, for the cure of common eye ailments, this Rudraksha is rubbed in mild and applied to eye like kajal. Ladies specially wear in their mangalasutra for their family welfare, specially for good relationship with husband and misunderstanding between them.
Rs.900 Order NowChaturMukhi (Four Faced)
(It is Brahma Swaroopa). By wearing this, Grasping power, remembrance, intelligence and cleverness will increase. It treats certain types of skin diseases. It is more useful to dull minded and early stage of epilepsy. This Rudraksha is used internally with milk for 21 days for full benefits. Very beneficial for artists, students, scholars, journalists, Researchers and scientists, writers, etc. for studies in other country universities. this type of Rudraksha is found very useful for dowsing (sathyavani or Bhavishyavani ) by trying a black thin thread through the hole and its movements.
Rs.500 Order NowPanchaMukhi (Five Faced)
(it is kalagniswaroopa and rudragana). This Rudraksha provides more mental peace, normalizes blood circulation and controls blood pressure, prevents heart diseases, saves from the bad effects of many diseases and helps in purification of blood also use in Japa mala.
Rs.400 Order NowShan Mukhi (Six Faced)
(Incarnation of Lord Karthikeya). It is more useful in cases of chest pain, hysteria, fits and other feminine diseases. Due to its usage students will get increased attentive and retaining memory power. Hence it is most useful for students in getting good and higher education. To become a good speaker this can be worn on right hand like rakhi. It fulfills the weare�s physical & mental desires. Along with shanmukhiRudraksha + ChaturmukhiRudraksha is tied with pure cooperative and after pranapratishta it is sold to needy as it �Shiv Shakti locket�, which gives all above benefits. Even children can wear.
Rs.500 Order NowSaptaMukhi (Seven Faced)
(In carnation of Lord Manmadha) . It is known as Ananga. This will increase brain power, will power, streeVashikarna and also gets rid of trauma of mirgi of petitmal. Wearer will get rid of Saturn (Shani) Dosha and will got progress in business and service and will be blessed by goddess Mahalakshmi and will solve his financial & Matrimonial problems.
Rs.900 Order NowAshtaMukhi (Eight Faced)
(In carnation of Lord Ganesh). This will increase concentration of mind, develops knowledge and removes all obstacles in proposed plans and works and will get alround success - Riddhis& Siddhis. Helps for longevity. This is mostly by pandits, Astrologers, Professors, etc. It helps in curing early stage of paralysis.
Rs.2500 Order NowNava Mukhi (Nine Faced)
(Incarnation of Lord Bhairava - main diety is Goddess Durga Devi). It is very effective in stopping miscarriages or abortions, helpful in Santhanprapthi, heart diseases, small pox, skin problems. This is worn on rigt hand by ladies with perfect devotion, desirous of having children. It is very rarely available. Gives lot of energy, power, dynamism, fearlessness. It is shaktiRudraksha.
Rs.2500 Order NowDashaMukhi (Ten Faced)
(It is Vishnuswaupa and also known as Janardhana). This is more useful in spiritual enlightenment, keeps away whopping, cough and heart borne diseases, releases the mental strain and stress. Gets dashavathara blessings.
Rs.3000 Order NowEkaDaskaMukhi (Eleven Faced)
(Incarnation of Rudra and alternate to Ekamukhi). This should be worn of head, controls many types of diseases and helps in curing femine (ladies) diseases and is helpful for santhanaprapthi. Blessings with wisdom, right judgement powerful vocabulary, adventurous life with alround success. Purchase only original one.
Rs.3500 Order NowDwadashaMukhi (Twelve Faced)
(It is the incarnation of Maha Vishnu - Adidevata is Sun). It is also known as Aditya, wearing of this on head brings enlighment to weak minds and new hope and confidence for patients with long sufferings and chronic diseases. It controls excessive desire for sex and other bad habits. Also useful to cure Jaundice. It is more useful for jyothisha and vasthupandits, politician, businessmen and executives cures heart, lungs & skin diseases. Plan for future programmes.
Rs.5000 Order NowTrayodashaMukhi (Thirteen Faced)
(It is incarnation of lord Indra). It is worn by ladies to fulfill their desires, increases their good luck, beauty care, cures shin diseases and early stage of cancer. Wearer gets all riches & comforts, fulfills all the desires in family life, specially desire for Santhanaprapthi. It is Kamadhenu. It also gives business, promotion, more financial & family happiness and honour in the society.
Rs.15000 Order NowChaturdashaMukhi (Fourteen Faced)
(In carnation of Lord Parama Shiva). It is all powerful for bestowing good health and proper wealth and is a prathika of lord Hanumam. It helps in curing the facial and paralysis, controls anger and excess sex. This is worn on fore head(Lalata) or on chest. It is also very difficult to get this Rudraksha. It is most precious divine gem. Wearer foresees the future.
Rs.25000 Order Now