Monthly (July)
The month begins with the homely Cancer Sun in your 2nd house of values up to the 22nd of July. Finances and your ability to earn extra cash will take on greater importance and satisfy urges to buy those necessary household items and comforts. Sentimental possessions and family heirlooms may need a bit of attention, and things that have been hoarded could do with a clean-up. In all you will look at ways to save some money and handle your budget constraints more efficiently. The Full Moon in Capricorn on the 12th will be in your 8th house of sex, death and other people's money. This is also known as the Thunder Moon, Hay Moon, or Buck Moon. Emotionally intense, your feelings may be hidden from public display for fear of rejection, causing mood challenges on your part. Try and regenerate those pent up energies into a positive flow. Resources through business ventures, joint income, taxes, and superannuation may need your administrative insight. From the 22nd, the Sun steps out of Cancer and enters into Leo, your 3rd house of communication. You'll be in the limelight, loaded with popularity. Why not go out and enjoy catching up with creative people? Express your own flair for self-expression through music, writing, or the arts. Everyday activity will take on more enthusiasm, as you showcase your talents.