The last sign of the zodiac, Pisces is the sign of eternity, reincarnation and spiritual rebirth. Compassionate and fair-minded Pisces have the ability to see deep into the human psyche. Intuitive and sensitive, others would be wise to pay attention to their hunches. This extraordinary sensitivity can also be their downfall. They may fall prey to picking the wrong companions because they so readily identify with the feelings of others, and willingly adapt themselves to different people. Pisceans react emotionally and are not afraid to break the rules if the situation demands a more humane approach. Creative and intensely imaganitive, people under this mysterious sign are often successful artists, writers, and musicians. In love, romance is the way to this sign's heart!
Erogenous Zone: The feet.
Most Likeable Trait: Compassion
Element: Water (emotional and imaginitive)
Ruling Planet: Neptune (planet of spirituality and illusion)
Keyword: I BELIEVE
Birthstone: Aquamarine